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Let It Flow is a nonprofit organization founded by
Kelle and Nyjah Huston. Inspired by their own experience
of living without clean, running water, they now
provide water solutions for people that are living
without access to clean water.
Let It Flow believes that water is the first step in building healthy, productive, and sustainable communities.
Our first well was built in an Ethiopian village called Debra Brehan in 2010 and is now providing clean, safe water to approximately 900 people. Not only do these people now have safe water to drink, they also have more time to go to school, grow food, and sell the extra food for money. With that money, they are building a mill to process the local grain for a profit. The benefits from clean water continue to multiply and enable them to create sustainable communities.
Water is essential for health, development,
and economic growth. We passionately believe that
no other single intervention can provide
such substantial benefits to people
living in extreme poverty.
As we like to say,
life grows where water flows.